You Can’t Be Perfect

Pobodys nerfect! Someone says. You idily laugh. You found the RedPill and have followed the comandments. Even the minor ones. But you feel hollow. What am I missing, you muse. Why am I not ‘The Alpha’? The Chad. Why is this visage illuding me. Because that is what you are chasing. An illusion.

It’s pointless to try. And but that I mean, to try to be anyone. I can’t give you the perfect canned line to get her panties off. We can’t babysit you. The perfect alpha isn’t real. If you think some of the endorsed contributors don’t do beta shit from time to time then you are stuck in idol worship. False idols instill a false security. You aren’t close to becoming the perfect alpha, because he isn’t real.

Chase your goals. Don’t chase mine. Or GLO’s. Or Woujos. Or anyone else. We have, by accident, created even more disenfranchised men. They don’t know how to be natural. They want to say things but they can’t because bylaw 331 of the sidebar said that might come off as cringy. They get pussy, but at what cost? Their individuality.

They are still better than the Betas tho, the men of little worth. The grovel at the feet of the feminine and receive a pittance for their trouble. But both are locked in captivity. They don’t know how to be themselves. They can’t be free.

To become free is not something that happens on Reddit. A woman will not set you free, as the Betas believe. To become free, you must create your own ideals and ideas. We cannot give you these. You may be able to quote Marcus Aurelius, but can you quote your independent thought? Or are you a machine, not a man, but a callous creature of habit.

Log off. Go outside. Feel the air in your lungs. Feel the ground on your feet. See a woman. Feel her heat, her energy, her femininity. This is not won by lines and tricks but by your MASCULINITY. That is truly all you need to win the female heart. Lift your weights and cold your approaches but first and foremost find your inner man. And feed him, clothe him, teach him well, and watch as life opens to you. We live in a world where the man is sought after. The world claims to hate the man, like a cryptologist hates Bigfoot. They are rarely seen. Most deny the man and refuse to let him out. He becomes weak and tired, and slowly dies. But once yours gets strong, you become sought after. Because a true man is something the world needs desperately.

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