To Be A Man

The tenets of masculinity are lost in our modern culture. This is our own doing. Beyond just feminism, which was a major part of why masculinity was lost, the culture of men became one of ‘faux-masculinity’ success was measured by how many girls you banged, how much alcohol you drank, and how many men you could beat up. While this faux-masculinity was a part of most men for centuries, it was always seen as part of a larger picture. The family unit and marriage, which was corrupted in recent times by the feminist movement, was seen as important. A man being strong and powerful but gentle when he needed to be, was something seen as masculine as well. To put it simply, a man was someone who had his shit together.

Where does that lead us now? Marriage is a high-risk, low-reward game that you should only do if you are fully prepared to take an L if you must, and should likely not be entered into until the culture changes drastically. What about the family? Likely not wise to enter into until you have gotten your shit together, which is perhaps level one masculinity.

The psychologist Jordan Peterson is wrong about many things and is something of a traditionalist moralizer. But he is correct about one thing. If you cannot govern your immediate surroundings, you cannot govern most things in your life. At this moment you may be surrounded by wrappers and cans, perhaps laundry or dishes. These things must be dealt with, and to put them off only shows a lack of urgency to govern your surroundings. But is it masculine to have a clean living space? In simple terms, your home reflects your mind. This sounds like bullshit but it is true in a way. A mind is better able to focus if a space is cleared. Clutter shows a lack of focus, it shows that you are preoccupied. Often, this preoccupation is with things that are not very meaningful. Video games and streaming services are the usual suspects, with a dash of internet porn for good measure. Cleaning your surroundings, According to Jung and some Buddhist philosophers, was like cleaning the field of being or expedience. This clears your head and allows you to focus on more important things.

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, the lowest tier is physiological needs. This is things like eating, sleeping, shitting, shelter, water, and of course, reproduction. This is why most cultures, praticularly the western ones, are ‘sex-obsessed.’ Sex is inherently a ‘need’. Ironically, western culture actually teaches young men to stifle their desires, which leads to a sense of disconnect that has lead to things like the Mgtow movement and Inceldom. Incels want sex but cannot get it, and so naturally feel unfulfilled. But rather than questioning why they are not receiving sex as a reflection of themselves, they instead blame the female. The female has no real reason to deny you sex other than it is biologically within her best interests to hold out as long as possible. Why? Well, to put it simply, she is waiting for something better to come along. The reason Chad gets laid is because he is the best possible choice within her field of experience. This means the reason you are not getting laid quickly is because you are not a good option. But fear not, as humans are more blessed than most animals as we can change our evolutionary viability. While a monkey may never hit the gym, you sure can. The incel doesn’t get laid because he refuses to self-improve. The mgtow is as well. The Mgtow often claims that he is simply reacting to the shattered state of society and how shit it is for men. And this is true in a sense. But in actuality, it is only shit for a FEW men. The difference is, that number is greater than ever before. Or rather, the line is blurred. In serfdom there is a clear line of who the best possible men are. Naturally, the most beautiful women would go with men on the top of serfdom. The Plane Janes went with the lower set. Now, serfdom is gone, and we have some sort of system resembling equality for all. What we really have is equality of outcome. You can all have a shit sandwich, but you can all chose to take your shit sandwich and turn it into gold, or you can throw you sandwich on the ground and say ‘it’s rigged it’s rigged, the system is against me.’ Maybe it is, but in truth it doesn’t matter, you can adapt or die, that is the nature of the evolutionary system

What does this mean for me, Visible? How do I turn my shit sandwich into gold? Well, it’s quite simple. You probably already know how if you have read the sidebar. But if you haven’t I’ll try to give you a broad estimate.


Women like attractive looking men. This shouldn’t be a shock. Those who say ‘It is all confidence.’ Have missed the point entirely. You get laid in spite of your looks, because the women sees your confidence as a risk worth taking for her potential offspring despite what may be your physical challenges. To be attractive is not as difficult as you might think. Here are some good facets.

  1. Muscles
    To women, muscles indicate an ability to defeat challenges. If you are strong, you can combat enemies and move obstacles. These are attractive traits. If you have muscles, you can often get women regardless who see the one key facet of attraction and ignore other aspects of yourself. This is not always the case, as I know several men bulkier than I who do not get laid at all. Some of this is by choice, they are married and ignore female attention. But others are unconfident or betaish in behavior, or have a homely face or a plain way of dressing or speaking. Women, more than men, are astute in sizing up a man’s full worth. For the most part. A man with muscles but nothing else is like frosting but no cake. Some women are into that, but most women with more to lose, aka, the more attractive ones who’s genes are more valuable, often need more than that. Despite this, lifting weights and becoming muscular and fit is important. Be sure to cut out things detrimental to your success in this area, junkfood, soda, booze. These things can be fine in moderation but do not help you in the long run. Be sure to also include cardio in your regiment as a man who has muscles but gets tired quickly is useless in the long run.
  2. Face
    An attractive face is not as difficult as one might think. Exercise may help you decrease body fat in your chin and cheeks, which will help show off your jaw and cheekbones. If you do not have a jaw, grow and maintain a beard, which will hide this defect. To keep your face looking more attractive according to the golden ratio, take care of your skin. This should help alleviate any blemishes which throw off the golden ratio, which is a way of measuring the symmetry of your face. As well as that, maintain your eyebrows and keep a kempt hairstyle and you should have an average to above-average face at the very least.
  3. Clothes
    Clothes are less important than most believe. However, they do have some things to do with attraction. A man who is wearing a shirt covered in cheeto-stains obviously portrays lower value than a man who is wearing a suit and tie. However, this does not mean you need to wear a suit and tie to the grocery store, unless you want to. I often do it for work, but for simple relaxation or hanging out, a nice shirt or a button down usually works well. The good old blue jeans often works out pretty well, although I would recommend not having giant-ass rips in them.

These are the basics of Aesthetics. There are obviously other things that help with attraction, but this is a good starting point. There are other things that help you increase masculinity as well.


As you think, so you are. Women, and I do mean all of them, even the lezzies, want a man who knows who he is and what he believes. This means a man who pussyfoots around, hides from eye-contact or confrontation, or apologizes for offending anyone in an interaction, often dries up any prospective vagina in attendance to him. The reason systems like ‘cocky-funny’ worked was that cockiness is an exaggerated form of confidence. Confidence is valuable because it posits forth that the one who has it is comfortable in his surroundings. If you are comfortable, you are often able to best any challenges which biologically women seek out. Funniness is also valuable, as it shows you have an ability to test the boundaries of social proof, which most women are loath to do for fear of rejection. A man who does not fear rejection is powerful to women because he shows an ability to do, well, almost anything socially. Obviously some lines when crossed are offensive to women. A pedophile joke on a first date may not get a big reaction unless you have an extraordinary amount of confidence or you are attractive enough that she lets it slide.

Another powerful draw to women is a man with options. Most women feel in charge of who they are picking to be their mate, so when the suddenly feel as if they are on the cast of the bachelor, they begin to get a bit heady and ridiculous. Women, like men, compete for resources that are valuable. An attractive man is valuable, so therefore, he will have many women competing over him. When trying to get a woman to sleep with you, you should be in the mindset of ‘it doesn’t matter if this interaction goes well, I have other women.’ Even if this is a lie, you will treat the women in a way that is attractive to her, as if YOU are sizing her up. If she feels like she has control over a resource she may grow bored, as it no longer represents a challenge, so you must never make her feel as if she completely has you, even multiple years into a relationship. She must always believe that you will walk away if things are annoying or if she bores you. This may seem like manipulation but it isn’t, because it must be true. You should never allow a woman to challenge your happiness. Sex should be considered nothing more than a biological urge you need fulfilled, not a chore or heady trauma to endure. Is eating a chore? Is shitting? Then why should sex be a chore.

There is numerous other literature on sexual relationship dynamics, so I will leave it there. Read the sidebar to get the full grasp of sexual conquest.

To end things, being a man is something you MUST become. It is your life purpose. Biologically, it is why you are here. You have no other meaning. You may believe you do from God or something else, and that is fine. I would never tell you that this is untrue as I cannot grasp whatever it is you are experiencing there. But, man have the same biological urges everywhere, and the urge is to be a man. Your BP programming tells you that you must deny it, but you know the truth. This is the start of your RedPill Journey and it will be difficult but be comforted in the fact that you are doing exactly what you must do.

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